Awards & Exhibitions
"Events Area," gouache on paper, 26" x 39", 2011
Grants and Awards
2009 Wauson Fellowship, The For-Site Foundation, San Francisco.
2006 Artist-in-Residence, The Farpath Foundation, Dijon, France.
2005 Individual Support Grant, The Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation.
2003 Artist-in-Residence, The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Bethany, Connecticut.
Solo Exhibitions
2019 Double Take, Azarian McCullough Art Gallery, Sparkill, New York.
2012 Sometimes Gallery, New York City.
2010 Sometimes Gallery, New York City.
2000 Ten New Paintings, Studio Show, Salem, Oregon.
Group Exhibitions
2024 Out of Salem: D.E. May & Friends, PDX Contemporary Art, Portland, Oregon.
2012 Hat Trick, with Barbara Takenaga and Ethan Ryman, D. C. Moore Gallery, New York City.
2010 6 Abstract Painters, D. C. Moore Gallery, New York City.
Wall-to-Wall, Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Los Angeles.
2008 It’s Gouache & Gouache Only, Andrea Meislin Gallery, New York City.
2007 It’s Gouache & Gouache Only, Geoffrey Young Gallery, Great Barrington, Massachusetts.
2005 Artists Pick, Larissa Goldston Gallery, New York City. Selected by James Siena.
2002 Lost and Found, Savage Gallery, Portland, Oregon.
2001 Pleasure Craft, Sixth Northwest Biennial, Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, Washington.
Abstracts on Paper and Mixed Media, PDX Gallery, Portland, Oregon.
1998 Radius 25, Bush Barn Art Center, Salem, Oregon. Curated by Kathryn Kanjo. Juror’s Award.
1997 Current Undercurrent, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York.
PIEROGI 2000 Flatfiles, Curated by Joe Amrhein.
1994 The Beauty Show, Four Walls Gallery, Brooklyn, New York.
1993 Four Weeks from New York, Nova Zembla Gallery, Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.
1992 Herron Test-Site Gallery, Brooklyn, New York.
1990 Studio Exhibition with Randolph Black, 73 West Broadway, New York City.
1986 J. Noblett Gallery, Sonoma, California.
1983 Hallie Brown Ford Gallery, Willamette University, Salem, Oregon.
1982 The New Formalism, Roger Litz Gallery, New York City.
1981 Invitational: Four Artists, 55 Mercer Street, New York City.
Small Works, 80 Washington Square East Galleries, New York City. Curated by Marcia Tucker.
2009 “Dan Schmidt,” Bomb Magazine, Fall issue,
1978 B.A. Willamette University, Salem, Oregon.
1976 Completed two years of study with Dore Ashton and Hans Haacke at The Cooper Union, NYC.
Instillation view, “Out of Salem: D.E. May & Friends,” PDX Contemporary Art, Portland, Oregon.
Installation view, "Hat Trick," D. C. Moore Gallery.